Soulrend Trickster Passive Skill Tree and Gem Links



Passive Skill Tree

You can find our recommended Level 100 Passive Skill Tree here.

Mind Over Matter is a necessity if Cloak of Defiance Cloak of Defiance is not being used by your character. All the nodes in the Shadow starting area are fantastic for this build, allowing us to get our feet under us very early and making the build a particularly sturdy one for leveling. Check out the leveling section later in the guide for more detailed information on the best trees and items for leveling this character.

There is some flexibility in how you spend your later points; we have opted to acquire the extra Frenzy Charge along with the nice Evasion Per Frenzy Charge node, which brings us to a total of 5 Frenzy charges, as well as some extra Mana and Jewels. We prefer this approach, as Jewels are a great way of continuing to scale our Chaos damage due to the lack of nodes on the tree.


Our main skill and gem used for clearing and bossing is Soulrend Soulrend, which has some inherent Energy Shield Leech. Get around the area quickly using Shield Charge Shield Charge, which also serves as a means for keeping Fortify Support Fortify Support active whenever necessary. For bosses or extremely tanky foes, Wither Wither will be used via Spell Totem Support Spell Totem Support, and allow us to absolutely melt whatever stands in our way. Flame Dash Flame Dash is also used as an alternative mobility skill due to its speed and flexibility, and it makes areas with many ledges or walls much less frustrating, such as the Labyrinth.

Soulrend Soulrend 6-Link

  1. Soulrend Soulrend
  2. Greater Multiple Projectiles Support Greater Multiple Projectiles Support
  3. Controlled Destruction Support Controlled Destruction Support
  4. Efficacy Support Efficacy Support
  5. Arcane Surge Support Arcane Surge Support
  6. Swift Affliction Support Swift Affliction Support / Empower Support Empower Support (Level 4)

Empower Support Empower Support (Level 4) can be one of the biggest damage boosters, replacing Swift Affliction Support Swift Affliction Support, however, this is very expensive and also depends greatly on your level of gear. For example, having all your other gems at Level 21 first is generally a more pressing upgrade. Check Path of Building for your Exile to receive more exact information.

Soulrend Soulrend Optimization with Gem Swaps

These gem setups offer better overall damage but require gem swaps for bosses/single target, which some players find irritating. For single target, you will want to run:

  1. Soulrend Soulrend
  2. Efficacy Support Efficacy Support
  3. Controlled Destruction Support Controlled Destruction Support
  4. Arcane Surge Support Arcane Surge Support
  5. Void Manipulation Support Void Manipulation Support
  6. Swift Affliction Support Swift Affliction Support / Empower Support Empower Support (Level 4)

For clearing, you will want to run this setup instead:

  1. Soulrend Soulrend
  2. Greater Multiple Projectiles Support Greater Multiple Projectiles Support
  3. Unleash Support Unleash Support
  4. Efficacy Support Efficacy Support
  5. Arcane Surge Support Arcane Surge Support
  6. Swift Affliction Support Swift Affliction Support / Empower Support Empower Support (Level 4)

Bane Bane 4-Link

Bane Bane is a fantastic skill for applying your curses.

  1. Bane Bane
  2. Despair Despair
  3. Efficacy Support Efficacy Support
  4. Temporal Chains Temporal Chains / Enfeeble Enfeeble

Most players who have played curse builds have a preference of defensive curse between Temporal Chains Temporal Chains and Enfeeble Enfeeble. Overall, we feel Enfeeble is the more versatile of the two, but Temporal Chains can be highly effective in certain situations. If you are only able to run a single curse (e.g. pre Whispers of Doom) then use Controlled Destruction Support Controlled Destruction Support instead.

Blight Blight Totems 4-Link

This link allows us to place totems that will cast Blight Blight on nearby targets, providing an enormous boost to damage output.

  1. Blight Blight
  2. Spell Totem Support Spell Totem Support
  3. Multiple Totems Support Multiple Totems Support
  4. Faster Casting Support Faster Casting Support

There is little point in placing your totems for general clearing, but they are a necessity for tougher opponents, such as Uber Elder. Wither Wither is a great alternative that is arguably a superior choice for bossing, but is not as effective all-round.

Shield Charge Shield Charge 4-Link

This link is mostly used for getting around in open spaces, and for maintaining Fortify Support Fortify Support when necessary. Culling Strike Support Culling Strike Support is underrated, and you should remember to abuse it on bosses when possible, instantly finishing it when it falls below 10%.

  1. Shield Charge Shield Charge
  2. Faster Attacks Support Faster Attacks Support
  3. Fortify Support Fortify Support
  4. Culling Strike Support Culling Strike Support

Cast when Damage Taken Support Cast when Damage Taken Support 2/3-Link

This is a standard link for most of our builds.

  1. Cast when Damage Taken Support Cast when Damage Taken Support (Level 20)
  2. Summon Chaos Golem Summon Chaos Golem / Immortal Call Immortal Call / Summon Stone Golem Summon Stone Golem (your choice)

Your third gem is player’s preference. We recommend:

If you are using Level 20 Cast when Damage Taken Support Cast when Damage Taken Support (for your golem level) and Vaal Righteous Fire Vaal Righteous Fire, be sure you do not link them together. Form a 2-Link with Cast when Damage Taken Support Cast when Damage Taken Support and the other gem, and leave Vaal Righteous Fire Vaal Righteous Fire unlinked. Alternatively, you can lower the level of your Cast when Damage Taken Support Cast when Damage Taken Support so it does not trigger Righteous Fire Righteous Fire (even Level 19 will prevent this). This is recommended if you are using Immortal Call Immortal Call instead of a golem, since you want a higher uptime on this anyways.

Vaal Skills 3-Link

This is a classic combination that greatly boosts survivability when correctly used.

  1. Vaal Grace Vaal Grace
  2. Clarity Clarity
  3. Vaal Haste Vaal Haste

Essence Worm Essence Worm

Malevolence Malevolence is socketed in this ring.

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