PoEVault's Lacerate Gladiator Ascendancy, Bandits, and Pantheon Powers (PoE Necropolis)




  1. Arena Challenger
  2. Blood in the Eyes
  3. Gratuitous Violence
  4. Painforged


Since we take Resolute Technique on the tree, the only realistic pick is killing all Bandits for the 2 Passive Points. Solo Self-Found (especially SSFHC) players may opt to help Alira early on for the Resistances but should respec when the appropriate gear is acquired later in the game.


Major Gods

  • * Soul of Arakaali* Is great at mitigating degens, which I find to be the bigger problem.
  • * Soul of the Brine King* is a great choice for freeze immunity

Minor Gods

  • Soul of Gruthkul is a good choice for further defending against Physical damage.
  • Sould of Abberath is a good choice for mitigating burning ground and ignite.
    The minor pantheons really are extremely flexible for this build, and few if any options are wrong. Pick the one that solves the issue you feel you are having the most often, not already solved through flasks.

Check out the main page of the guide or use the menu on the right side of this page to navigate to the other sections of the guide.


During the campaign, you will want to go Warden of the Maji to access the Oath of the Maji node. This gives us a tremendous movement speed boost or a massive elemental resistance boost. Tinctures hold up decently well in early maps, but as you get better charms you want to move into Primalist.

As we cannot play every build, every league, we unfortunately cannot test enough to provide a comprehensive list of every mod that benefits every build. Stop by and ask in the discord, and we’ll help you explore some options.


  • Skill tree and gems updated.

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